Water delivery is a first person, horror experience where you play as a water delivery boy. Ride along in the delivery truck from house to house. Deliver filled water jugs, find and return empty. Water delivery is a first person, horror experience where you play as a water delivery boy. Ride along in the.
The static hums louder, and suddenly, the screen shows a series of childrens faces, distorted. Water delivery is a first person, horror experience where you play as a water delivery boy. Ride along in the delivery truck from house to house. Deliver filled water jugs, find and return empty. The narrow hallway stretches out, dark and foreboding. You feel a whisper, urging you to turn back. Chills run down your spine. With great effort, you finally opened the toilet door. But you see nothing inside, just darkness, a musty, moldy stench. Then, as you turn your head, scratched on the wooden door, it reads,. Water delivery men will typically come into your home and leave the water in the kitchen or living room (or wherever you leave the dispenser). That felt like a great baseline for.
Water delivery men will typically come into your home and leave the water in the kitchen or living room (or wherever you leave the dispenser). That felt like a great baseline for.
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